This started as a blog with my 6th graders to encourage communication with technology. It was a journey filled with excitement and frustration, but never dull... Now it's a blog to highlight the work of my amazing 5th graders. Life is about change.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Learn How to Program Computers!
I am so excited to announce that this coming year my students will be learning how to program computers! We will be working with the creators of to program Karel the Robot so he will do whatever we in pick up gems, not do your homework!
We will also learn to design 3D objects on our computers. Wow!
This is an amazing opportunity, as we will be working with UNR professors, and they will not only help us out, but they will use the UNR 3D printer to actually build the 3D objects we design.
Click on the nclab logo on our Gadget bar to see the website we'll be using. I already have everyone's login, now we just need to start school...
See you all on August 12th.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
CRT Week!
This week our class has been working SO hard on CRTs. For those of you who don't know, that stands for Criterion Referenced Tests. Students take the tests in math, reading, and also science in 5th grade. The maximum score is 500, and 300 is meeting grade level.
This is always a tiring, stressful time, but our class has done an EXCEPTIONAL job of doing their best work. I have seen highlighting, rereading for evidence or clarification, checking answers multiple times, and a ton of good, clear writing!
Everyone should be very proud of their hard work...just one more day, and on to our field trip to visit local bridges.
Check out our class wiki at for information on bridges that you can read, try out, and watch!
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Cinco de Mayo in Reno!
IF you are wondering what to do this weekend, to relax before the CRTs start on Monday, why not check out this event?
Of course, you have to get to bed EARLY so you are fresh for the math test, but you have all day
Sturday, 4 & S
unday, May 5, 2013
11:00 am – 7:00 pm
Grand Sierra Resort (Northwest parking lot) - 2500 E. 2nd St., Reno, NV 89595
$5 Admission (ages 12-65) • Under 12 and over 65 FREE
Two full days of live entertainment for all ages.
Live Latin music both days with local bands and finale headliners...
Live Latin music both days with local bands and finale headliners...
Saturday Entertainment:Los Dareyes de la Sierra
Sunday Entertainment:
El Flaco Elizalde y Su Banda
El Flaco Elizalde y Su Banda
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Student Edublogs Challenge - WARNING!
I know we are on break, but if you do not have a recent post on your Kidblog by Saturday, March 30th, you will be removed from the Edublogs Challenge!
Because you are working alone, we are a little behind in the challenges, but here is a recent one that you could do yourselves. I look forward to seeing how creative you can be!
- Post about a passion (something you LOVE to do, make, play, share...)
- Post about 10 dream jobs
- Add tags and categories to all your previous posts - go to Edit Post then think what your post is about and add that word - like Bones, projects, artwork, social studies etc
- Add links to your blogroll - like a link to your Youtube Claymation project, or the Chorus video
- Post about a special event - what's going on in Reno, or around the world that interests you?
- Research a famous person - tell us about him or her. What makes or made them famous?
- Leave comments on other blogs using the special codes from Mrs Yollis’ blog - her blog is listed on the right sidebar of our Blogging Along homepage.
Challenge with number 10
I have just finished washing my clothes and found one sock that is now full of holes. I can’t use it as a sock, but list 10 other ways I could use the sock.
Finally, if you visit my Kidblog page, there is a list of very very cool sites to visit and try to use. You might need an e mail to sign up for some of them, but they are all free. Explore, then use them and share what you found! You can still log in to Voki, and remember Wimp me or Clay me? They were fun...
So much to try, and you have SO MUCH TIME!!!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Claymations Published!
Despite all the problems, most of the Frames Claymations survived and are now published on their own page. Look under our Blogging Along title to find the Claymations page tab.
I posted them there so that we could look at them at any time, rather than lose them in archive posts. I am sorry that Crystal and Jalecia's are not published, but I know Crystal will redo hers, and Jalecia's should be saved when they fix her laptop!
If you want to publish your Claymation in your own post on Kidblog, you can click on share and embed, then copy the code and paste it into your post when you have clicked on HTML instead of compose...otherwise just post the link, and people can visit YouTube.
I posted them there so that we could look at them at any time, rather than lose them in archive posts. I am sorry that Crystal and Jalecia's are not published, but I know Crystal will redo hers, and Jalecia's should be saved when they fix her laptop!
If you want to publish your Claymation in your own post on Kidblog, you can click on share and embed, then copy the code and paste it into your post when you have clicked on HTML instead of compose...otherwise just post the link, and people can visit YouTube.
Earth Hour 2013!
This Saturday, March 23rd, at 8:30pm, people all over the world will show their support of the Earth by turning off all their power!
Yes, that means lights, computers, gaming systems, cell phones, TVs ~ EVERYTHING!
Check out the video below, and then see what you can do during the hour...light some candles and play a game. Cards, Monopoly, sing a song or two, hide and seek...
I'm going to meet friends Downtown and run with glow sticks...sounds fun!
Yes, that means lights, computers, gaming systems, cell phones, TVs ~ EVERYTHING!
Check out the video below, and then see what you can do during the hour...light some candles and play a game. Cards, Monopoly, sing a song or two, hide and seek...
I'm going to meet friends Downtown and run with glow sticks...sounds fun!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Student Edublogs Challenge One!
This week we are starting the Edublogs Student Challenge for 2013! Last fall we only joined as a class, using this blog, but since you have all been blogging for a while now, you can use your own Kidblog to take part internationally!
Do the first challenge, then try some of the others too!
Here is the first week's challenge....
1. If you could meet 10 people, alive or dead, who would they be? Make a list of the people and include one question you would ask them in an interview. You cannot repeat the same question.
2. Create an avatar that represents you – check out this post for websites to try. Most blogging platforms allow you to upload your avatar, so use the Get Help section on the sidebar for your type of blog.
3. Are you going to have any guidelines or rules for leaving comments on your blog? Check out these from other students – now create your own and add to a new page on your blog. Teegan (bit hard to read though) Abbey (older student)
4. Write a post about why students and classes should visit your blog. Why is your blog going to be interesting? What will you be posting about? What could they learn from reading your blog? Make sure you hyperlink back to this challenge post somewhere in your post. That way, I will get a trackback or pingback and I will be able to visit your blog to read your post, otherwise I won’t know if you have written anything about this challenge.
eg. This post is for Challenge 1 in the March 2013 challenge. Highlight ‘Challenge 1′ then use the Link icon – chains joined – and copy and paste in the URL below
This is one of the most important skills to know when blogging – how to make a link – if unsure check out this post for Edublogs or this post for blogspot.
5. Part of good digital citizenship is not being a cyber bully. Have you ever been cyber-bullied? What did you do about it? Make a list of hints for students who are being cyber-bullied. Maybe make a poster about what to do and what not to do. Perhaps you could use glogster or as a class use wallwisher. Check out the list of web 2.0 tools you could use on the sidebar.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Claymation Myth Project
Things are moving along well with our claymation my project! Below you'll see some photos Adany took of our work in progress. I also loaded a 5th grade class' animation of The Hare and the Tortoise. You can see that they don't animate every moment of the script, which is fine. They also use very simple sets, and are narrating the story, which is what we will be doing.
The link to the website Kids' Vid is also below the video, and it gives some good hints for writing a script, storyboard, and turning your animation into a video.
5th Grade Class, St, Joseph School
Patti Rose, Art Teacher, music by Jeremy Foutz, Music Teacher
For more ideas and tips, check out
Happy animating!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Chorus Concert
Chorus has been working hard on a beautiful song with two parts in the genre Latin Jazz. Listen to how wonderful they sound, and notice how professional they sound! Both the teachers and the 4th Graders loved the performance!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Ratio and Scale Art Project!
This month we are studying Ancient Greece AND ratios and scale in obviously an art project is the thing to do!
Here is the image of the god Zeus (modeled by Mr. Folkers at age 19) Our ratio is 1:6, so we should have a LARGE piece of artwork to display on our wall!
Check below for the completed project...
Here is the image of the god Zeus (modeled by Mr. Folkers at age 19) Our ratio is 1:6, so we should have a LARGE piece of artwork to display on our wall!
Check below for the completed project...
Here it is!!!!
Excellent work on scale and ratios!
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